The fungus of the foot (athlete's foot, mycosis of the skin) is an infectious disease that occurs the defeat of the skin of the feet, toes, interdigital of the plots. Often, the pathology is combined with the defeat of nails – onychomycosis. Cause athlete's foot microscopic fungi exerts the action antifungal, molds and yeast strains.

Without treatment, the fungus spreads with the foot in all the limb. This increases the risk of developing erysipelas inflammation, the education of the warts and the higher frequency of allergic reactions by the skin and the mucous membranes of the envelope. The body stops perceiving antibacterial drugs, which hinders the therapy of other diseases.
Causes the fungus of the foot
It is contagious, the fungus of the foot typically cause the fungi Ascomycota. Some strains cause the rubrofitii and rubromikoz, occupying more than 70% in the diagnosis of varieties. Approximately 10% of the total population of the planet is sick by the fungus to stop.
Molds and yeast fungi affect the extremities less frequently, representing up to 1.5% of the cases.
For some reason there is an infection with the fungus of the foot:
- Somatic pathology.
- The endocrine system.
- The supercooling of the feet.
- Diabetes mellitus with symptom of diabetic foot.
- Dermatological diseases, such as psoriasis, dermatitis at? itch, eczema.
- Valgus deformation, and other pathologies of the foot.
- The visit to public places, where we have to walk barefoot (saunas, swimming pools, gyms).
- Increased sweating of the skin of the feet (hyperhidrosis congenital or due to other diseases).
- The decline of immunity in children and the elderly In the 2 group of patients with the fungi often are face men, if the nails of his feet surprised to onychomycosis.
- The abuse of the means of antibiotic therapy, by glucocorticoids, cytostatic agents, immunosuppressive. Factor affects the immunity and increases the incidence of fungal infection.
- Professional factor in the development of mycoses means the possibility of infection of the workers, the bathrooms, the pools, the metallurgy and the mining of coal, the athletes, the armed forces.
- Skin lesions of the foot, which has led to the appearance of calluses, cracks, corns.
As places on the walk to the mold with the consequent formation of warts become areas of callus and hyperkeratosis. The location is explained by the deterioration of the immunity local, lost control over the development of the human papillomavirus infection.
Clinical forms of fungus of the feet
External symptoms of foot fungus depend on the type of strain, that it had initiated the process, and the degree of involvement of the skin, the nails and the hair on the legs. Athlete and rubromikoz are similar for both, the doctors together in "mycosis stop".

Types of foot fungus dermatologists are distinguishable the following:
- Flake.
- The presence in the skin foci, such as diaper rash).
- Non-functioning of the sweat glands.
- Onychomycosis, which passes through normotroficheskie, atrophic or hypertrophic type.
Describe how you see the fungus of the foot in squamous of the way. In the initial stage, we observe a reddening and peeling of the skin. Modified the plots have different of the square. The itching occurs not to all patients.
The majority of patients do not notice any signs of mycosis. In the clinic do not seek, and this gives the pathology of the possibility of changing the flaky form in disgidroticheskaya.
When disgidroticheskaya the fungus foot visible symptoms will be multiple bubbles of diameter 2 – 8 mm that melt in important foci, are removed, and are formed by erosion.
With the arch of the foot fungus is spreading on the outside and the inside of the side part. In addition to the extensive erosion, in the place of had blisters form of diaper rash. Patients complain of pain and itching and noticeable flaking.
Without treatment, the fungal infection complicating bacterial. The signs of secondary infection are the increase in turbidity of the contents of the bubbles with the transformation into a purulent mass, increase in body temperature, swelling and great redness of the skin.
Intertriginosny the athlete's foot stop is the most common. Is developed independently, or at the bottom of the squamous shape. It affects the skin, between the 4 and 5 of the fingers of the feet, less frequently develops in a space of between 3 and 4 fingers.
The main symptoms of intertriginous fungus of the feet:
- The itching and burning.
- The cracks in the skin on the white bezel of the border is formed from peeling of the epidermis).
- Oozing between the fingers of the affected limb.
- The replacement of the cracks erosions with a strong unhealthy state of the plot.
- The softness of the skin, with a reduction of the immunity local. At the end of the structure to penetrate the streptococcus and the cause of the inflammation of the skin with pus. Tissues inflamed, red, the pain intensifies. The general condition of the patient worsens.
The symptoms of Candida and the defeat of the stop are interdigital erosion, which have been formed due to the activity of the fungi of the genus Candida. Modified the bulbs are between 3 and 4 or 4 and 5 with the fingers of the lower extremities.
The sick, the skin becomes swollen. The healthy tissues of your separates the "strap" of the epidermis, which are sloughed off. Problematic neighbourhood form pustules and rash with blisters.
If the fungus infects the nails of the toes of the feet, the patient at the diagnosis "onychomycosis". In the initial phase of the pathology in the free edge of the nail of the big toe, one can see the yellow stripes and spots. Hypertrophic onychomycosis is characterized by reinforced and the fragility of the plate under the one that looks the cracking of the skin.

When atrophic onychomycosis is ruined nail the structure. Under the modified plate is bare the hardened skin. If the onychomycosis is developed as a result of the defeat of the foot fungus, nail plate acquires a brown, black, green, or yellow. The process concomitant of the paronychia – purulent inflammation of the nail.
Diagnosis and treatment of mycosis stop
For the treatment of foot fungus spent as efficiently as possible, the doctor should visit, in the presence of the first signs of the disease. Given that the manifestation of mycosis are nonspecific and match it with the model of the clinic's other dermatological diseases, the specialist must be distinguished from psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and systemic lupus erythematosus.
To identify the causative agent and the definition of their belonging to any class of fungi patient pass:
- The scraping of nails.
- Microscopy.
- Microbiological study.
- The diagnostic dna of the material.
When deciding that to cure foot fungus or space between the fingers and the nails, the dermatologist examines the feasibility of systemic and combination therapy.
But, necessarily, the patient receives destination on the exterior treatment. The base of the antifungal therapy is the use of anti-fungal different from the exposure, and medications to improve the local blood circulation and the solution of comorbidity.
For the prevention of re-infection patient it is recommended that the disinfection of personal items, and are useful common household.
System of treatment of foot fungus
Medicines of the system of the action in the form of tablets and ampoules when the athlete's foot is moderate and heavy during the process. Due to the wide variety of side effects of your reception is carried out only under strict medical control.
To remove the fungus of the feet is prescribed anti-fungal two groups:
- Synthesis.
- Allylamines.
Also in the treatment of mycosis of the foot are the use of anti-fungal tools with fungicidal effect. They work in the suppression of the growth and the complete destruction of the parasites.
Anti-fungal local
Taking into account the form of treatment of foot fungus is to say, on the effectiveness of the use of drugs local of the exhibition. The ease of processing of the skin provides a multitude of pharmaceutical dosage forms anti-fungal. Is ointments, lotions, sprays, creams, drops and dust against the fungus on the feet.
In full defeat of the nail is prescribed its elimination. The purpose of the operation of removing to the colony of fungi, which have spoiled the plate, and improve the effectiveness of the application of ointments and antifungals. The elimination passed or surgically sterile conditions, or by means of patches and ointments, anti-fungal, capable of destroying the victim of the nail.
Antifungal traditional medicine
In the opinion of the dermatologists, home remedies against fungus of the feet without pharmaceutical drugs, can be used in the early stages of mycosis, when there is still a lot of symptoms. In other cases, the complementary medicine in the main medical destination. An integrated approach ensures the patient to the rapid depreciation of the foci of inflammation and the local support of the immunity.
Recipes for the home treatment mycosis stop with the help of the media:

- The washing of herbs broth. The bark of oak, nuts, berries, blackberry, herb of the verbena and marigold flowers, blended in equal amounts.3 tablespoons of phyto collection simmered in 200 ml of water. After 20 minutes, the composition of the filter and hot are used for the washing of the problematic areas and feed pads.
- The ointment of wood of the ash. Sifted wood ash connect with pork fat until the formation of a dense oily mass. In the foot product put on in the morning and at night after the hygiene.
- The ointment of sulphate of copper and yellow sulfur. The medication is cooked in the pork fat, mix the ingredients in equal amounts. The mass is brought to a boil, and then take the dark and wait for it to cool. The processing of the feet sulphur-kuporosnoj ointment make several times a day.
- Tubs with the milk and the tea. An armful of fresh grass fill 2 – 3 litres of boiling water and wrap up with the capacity of the old blanket. After 3 – 4 hours of infusion of fitopreparado filter and is used for foot baths. The duration of the session is 45 minutes. Tubs agree every 2 – 3 days, until the athlete's foot does not disappear completely.
- The coffee of france. If you are looking for a simple recipe "how to cure foot fungus at home", the rescue will come the instant coffee. The drink hardly prepared in the amount of water poured into the sink and lift the legs. The number of procedures – 1 – 2 hours. The task – to destroy pathogenic flora and to eliminate the unpleasant odor that they listened to the dead of the feet.
- Baths with wine vinegar. Before going to sleep, the legs are washed with warm water and is placed in the pelvis with a strong vinegar solution. Through 3 – 5 minutes on foot dry and put on socks soaked with this solution. The procedure gives an antiseptic effect.
In addition, you should disinfect the floor of the rooms and the bathroom, shower cabin and wc. In the future, it is desirable to avoid staying in humid places of the common areas.
The prevention of the
The best preventive of the activity in the fight against the fungus, able to prevent the disease — the strengthening of the protective properties of the organism. This low-cost method, however, the most efficient and effective way. Processes and popular methods of treatment, you must coordinate with the doctor, all self-treatment can lead to dangerous complications, that after a fight much heavier and longer.
To avoid reinfection it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, make sure to disinfect the clothes of bed and towels, which were in use. For the timely treatment and effective, they need time to consult a doctor.